WO Teens 4 Palestine March and Walk Out

Date(s) - 11/22/2023
11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Verona Park


On Wednesday, November 22nd, beginning at 11 am, students and allies from West Orange High School will walkout from their last period classes and take to the streets to march for Palestine. Follow us along our path to where we will convene with allies and speakers will share some words with the community.

WO Teens 4 Palestine presents West Orange Walks for Palestine We shall not be silenced! We demand truth, we demand justice, and we demand a ceasefire now! March, 11:00 a.m.; rally, 12:15 p.m. 51 Conforti Avenue, West Orange

#freepalestine #walkout #marchforpalestine #westorangenj #ceasefirenow ??

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