Honoring Hind Rajab

Date(s) - 02/02/2025
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Pink background under photo of young girl surrounded by red flowers and text reading “Honoring Hind Rajab Martyred 1/29/24, her family and the countless victims of genocide in Gaza. Sunday, February 2, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. 574 Valley St., Maplewood Town Hall” small Palestinian flag on lower left; logo of SOMA Collective for Palestine on lower right

A vigil to honor not only Hind Rajab, killed 1/29/24, but also her family and the countless victims of genocide in Gaza.

JVP acknowledges deaths and war crimes throughout Israel/Palestine, and stands with SOMA Collective for Palestine and all our Palestinian friends and neighbors to honor this young child, her family, and the needless suffering of so many.

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