Marketing the Israeli Occupation – Part Two: Media and the Palestine Problem

Date(s) - 11/19/2023
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Voices from the Holy Land Film Salon

We are supporting this film screening; here is the description from Voices from the Holy Land:

Is it bias, laziness, fear of being fired, or just plain ignorance? News report after news report, mainstream media offers unbalanced, incomplete, uncontextualized, or just-plain-wrong reporting on Israel and Palestine. The choices of words, graphics, and interviewees support the narrative favored by Israel and pro-Israel lobby groups.

What are the consequences of this distorted journalism to public opinion, domestic government policies, and to national foreign and military policies? Panelists will explore the media’s “Palestine problem,” centering on four short films: The U.S. Media has a Palestine Problem, Occupation of the American Mind, The Media’s Israel Palestine Misinformation War and Incite and Inflame: Israel’s Manipulation of the Media.

Marketing the Israeli Occupation: Part Two, Media and the Paelstine Problem; screen shot of CNBC coverage and nighttime photo of U.S. Capitol dome

All are invited to watch the film for free at your convenience; then register to join the Q&A Discussion with

  • Thomas Suárez:  author, musician, historical researcher, and lecturer
  • Alex McDonald:  author, activist, Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant
  • Dale Sprusansky: managing editor, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
  • Katie Halper (moderator):  radio and podcast host, writer, film producer

Watch the film for free at your convenience; then join the Q&A Discussion.    Once you register here, you will get a confirmation e-mail from Zoom with a link to the meeting and a link with to watch the film.  Save that letter to participate in the discussion; the link is unique to your e-mail address.

Watch the trailer: Media and the Palestinian Problem.

Thomas Suárez is a London-based historical researcher as well as a professional Juilliard- trained violinist and composer. He is a former faculty member of Palestine’s National Conservatory of Music and former West Bank resident. Thomas authored Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea (2022), Writings on the Wall: Palestinian Oral Histories (2019), and State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel (2016). One of his three books on the history of cartography, Early Mapping of Southeast Asia (2012), is considered the standard text on the subject.

Alex McDonald is an American who grew up in Europe, traveled to Palestine, and wrote 2 books on the language used to support Israel’s narrative: How I Learned to Speak Israel: An American’s Guide to a Foreign Policy Language and When They Speak Israel: A Guide to Clarity in Conversations about Israel. Alex is involved in changing how Israel and Palestine are taught in U.S. schools and serves on the steering committee of Voices from the Holy Land. As a Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant, he was crew on Mairead in 2018, and sailed from Norway to the U.K. on Handala in 2023.

Dale Sprusansky is the managing editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. He reports on the U.S.–Israel relationship and its impact on the Palestinian people and the broader Middle East. Dale received his B.A. in Political Science from Stetson University in DeLand, Florida. He has lived in Egypt and traveled extensively throughout the region.

Katie Halper (moderator) is a New York City–based writer and video correspondent. She hosts The Katie Halper Show (WBAI radio) and cohosts the podcast show Useful Idiots. Katie was first censored by The Hill TV and then fired from its morning broadcast, Rising, after she submitted a commentary in which she stood up for US Representative Rashida Tlaib (who had said that Israel is an apartheid state). Katie is a film producer and codirector of the documentary Commie Camp (2013), about a summer camp that provides a progressive, Yiddish-speaking environment to kids.

SUPPORTER Organizations: Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) + Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace + Quaker Palestine Israel Network + Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East + Indiana Center for Middle East Peace + Disciples Palestine-Israel Network + Virginia Coalition for Human Rights + Mennonite Palestine Israel Network + Friends of Sabeel North America + Center for Jewish Nonviolence + Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network + Northern New Jersey Jewish Voice for Peace + United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network + Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service + Churches for Middle East Peace + Kairos Puget Sound Coalition + Pax Christi USA + Jewish Voice for Peace – San Diego

Don’t forget to watch recordings of previous Online Film Salon recordings in their entirety here, including for the September 17, 2023 Q&A discussion on Erasing Palestine from US School CurriculaAlso, read an article on this Salon in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.   A second article on My Tree in Mondoweiss can be read here.

For questions & comments, please contact the film salon at
Visit their website at, and on Facebook at

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