Who We Are

Northern New Jersey JVP (NNJ JVP) is a chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace, a national, grassroots organization inspired by Jewish tradition to work for a just and lasting peace according to principles of human rights, equality, and international law for all the people of Israel and Palestine.

some 20 marchers in black T-shirts, most with dark slacks and wearing hats, in the Montclair 4th of July Parade. About half are holding signs reading We Mourn, with a photo of a young child killed in Palestine/Israel since Oct. 7th (of the 20 signs carried, 18 honored Palestinian children, 2 honored Israeli children) The front marchers carry a banner reading Jewish Voice for Peace Northern NJ Chapter End the Occupation

From Our Blog

Why N.J. Should Not Adopt the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism

The NJ Legislature is considering legislation that would adopt for the State of New Jersey a particular definition of antisemitism, that of the International Holocaust remembrance Association (IHRA), along with its included examples. Most of the examples are about Israel. Critics charge that enacting the IHRA definition and its examples into law is actually an attempt to protect the Israeli government from criticism in violation of our First Amendment rights.

The bills in question are S1292, with primary sponsors Senators Beach and Singer, and A3588, with primary sponsors Assemblymembers Schaer and Reynolds-Jackson.

Upcoming Events

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The Past and the Present Tell Us: Palestine’s Future Has to Be Different!

Sunday, October 20, 3:00 p.m.

Information from Voices from the Holy Land:

Two documentaries from the early 1980s provide visual evidence of the colonization, apartheid, and military systems Israel uses to maintain domination. Each of the scenes from 40 years ago has a corollary in the present and poses questions about the future related to dispossession, subjugation, intergenerational trauma, resistance, right of return, reparations, and self-determination. The two films also offer first-hand testimonies, reminding us that for decades the Palestinian people have been telling the world about their plight, to little avail. Our salon will discuss the issues that have remained consistent over time, what’s new about the present moment, and what we must do to bring about a just future.

1960s-era black-and-white photo of elementary-school children walking past soldiers holding guns controlling a group of men facing a wall with their hands against the wall above their heads

Watch the film and then join us in a facilitated discussion.

Details, including registration information, are on our event page.  Comments are accepted there (moderated), both before and after the event on Oct 20th.